Conference Proceedings
Riera*, J., Samuel*.C., Donatacci*. D., Duarte*. A., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. Can NMDAR antagonists regulate Ras-GTP in cancer? In Proceedings of the Posters on the Hill Research Symposium. Washington, DC, April 2019.
Riera*, J., Samuel*. C., Donatacci*. D., Duarte*. A., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. Regulation of Ras- GTP in Solid Tumors by NMDA Receptor Antagonists. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2018.
Samuel*. C., Riera*. J., Cabezas*. A., and Coleman. N. The Role of NMDA Receptors in Melanoma. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2018.
Galarraga*. M., Donatacci*. D., Faltas*. C., Duarte*. A., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. Understanding Blood Brain Barrier Integrity. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2017.
Donatacci*. D., Galarraga*. M., Duarte*. A., Faltas*. C., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. The Role of NMDA Receptors in Lung Cancer. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2017.
Rabinovich, L. and Coleman, N. Active Learning Strategies for STEM Hybrid and Online Master’s and Doctoral Programs. 2016. In Proceedings SITE 2016, p342-345.
Faltas*. C., Duarte*. A., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Lead Toxicity in the Blood Brain Barrier. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2016.
Duarte*. A., Faltas*. C., Osea*. J., and Coleman. N. NMDA Receptors as a New Therapeutic Target for Cancer. In Proceedings of the NJCU STEM Research Symposium. Jersey City, April 2016.
Faltas.* C., Duarte *A., J. Osea*.J., and Coleman. N. “Lead Toxicity in the Blood Brain Barrier.” In Proceedings of the 7th Annual GS-LSAMP Phase II-NNJ-B2B STEM Research Conference. New Brunswick. NJ. October 2016.
Duzgoren-Aydin. N.S., and Coleman. N. “Environmental and Health Risk Assessment of Lead in Urban Soils in Jersey City". In Proceedings of Conference on Urban Soils and Metal Contamination: Issues – Remedies. Arlington. TX. March 2015.
Coleman. N., Llanos.*R., Osea*. J., Souverain.,* and Youssef.*, M. “The Role of NMDA Receptors in Cancer”. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual GS-LSAMP Phase II-NNJ-B2B STEM Research Conference. New Brunswick. NJ. October 2014.
Coleman. N., Chakraborty. A., and Barald. K. “The Role of Neurofibromin in Stem Cell Differentiation”. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on International Society for Stem Cell Research. Vancouver, Canada. June 2014.
Farbaniec*. M., Chakraborty. A., Barald. K., and Coleman. N, “The Role of Neurofibromin in Stem Cell Differentiation”. In Proceedings of the AACR Annual Meeting 2013. Washington, DC. April 2013.
* indicates undergraduate students as co-authors